2.For eg CNBC has such a vast clientielle and still it ask for those analysts who have tainted reputation.These analysts at these business channels try to push their personal interests and holdings to gullible investors.
3.I remember buying a new TV a few years back just to watch these business channels and I now just do not see these channels as these channels biases your opinion.
4.Have your own viewpoint and do not get into fights with your son for TV viewing. I used to fight earlier with my son to trade my CNBC for his cartoon network on our Television.
5.My lovely son I take the opportunity to apologise for all the times I made you weep, until I bought a new TV and ofcourse till this realisation dawned on me that these channels are basically selling their interests to us and stopped viewing them as I personally felt that what Uday of CNBC is saying is actually what analysts have fed words into his mouth and no personal opinions.