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Posted By On 10/09/2007 08:44:00 PM
1. I know of this guy who is from a conservative community and religion and is at a plush appointment. However being brought and bred up in a conservative environment he was not able to mark success in dating field and was morose due to the fact that he was not able to get over the hangover from his previous lifestyle of a close knit community.

2. I was his immediate boss and understood his problem as dating phenomenon in US is the order f the day and people not able to date are considered below par and generally develop inferior tendencies. Since I was to groom him being his immediate boss, I decided to improve him with training as even a novice can be trained to develop the self confidence and the traits which women look for in men world wide.

3. I called him to my cabin and counselled him as being socially active is also a perquisite to rise in the career ladder and I did not want this bright lad to suffer for want of training as his background was affecting him in his dealing with women.I advised him to take the tour of a dating site with a difference whose free tips will get him on the task of being socially active and in particular approaching a woman for a date. I knew of this site as I had subscibed for its free email tips from this dating web site and I found that each tip was worth the effort of reading as results of the tips were out of proportion to the effort required in reading the same. I even encouraged this dynamic and proficient lad to subscribe for the tips as I saw budding entrepreneur in him who was suffering due to lack of training on the social front.

4. The lad was go getter and next morning he informed me that he has already listened to free dating audio tips available on the site and was all set to enroll for their interactive session. I encouraged him to join so that I can also benefit from valuable tips which were not available on the site and a visit to a site is much better than a full page of tips as live demo will help hone up the skills to its zenith.

5. My subordinate joined for the interactive programme where he was physically shown the ways to approach a woman for the date and that too in live situations like restaurants, hotels, airports, railway stations and bars etc. After the training programme I found the lad brimming with confidence and was all set to climb up the social ladder as he begin dating asap in a professional manner and I found him dealing with female clients in a much more professional manner than he would have had ever conducted without this training.

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