2. One has to understand this fact that increase in interest rates leads to make borrowing money less attractive and as a net result the economy slows down. Conversely one can state that reverse is done to make the economy leap frog and in that endeavour the interest rates is lowered to make availability of credit at cheap rates which makes money flow more freely into the system which in turn stimulates economic growth.
How Interest Rates Effect Economy and Controls Inflation?
Posted By On 1/20/2009 12:02:00 PM Under Interest Rates2. One has to understand this fact that increase in interest rates leads to make borrowing money less attractive and as a net result the economy slows down. Conversely one can state that reverse is done to make the economy leap frog and in that endeavour the interest rates is lowered to make availability of credit at cheap rates which makes money flow more freely into the system which in turn stimulates economic growth.