2. As an investor one can invest in currency market to alleviate the downside risk. A point to remember is that a currency can not be compared to a stock as currencies are not supposed to be used as a long-term growth vehicles like stocks. However it can provide a number of advantages for the overall portfolio of an individual. We can also call currency as an alternative asset class like commodities and currencuy market generally moves in variance to the broader market.
3. This is the right time to enter currency market as presently one can benefit from declining dollar worldwide. One even has an option as an investors tio have yield exposure, with different money market rates found in NewZealand vs. the Dollar or Euro vs Dollar etc.
4. To sum it up one can say that Currency helps fill a void in a large portfolio and as a net result one will be cutting the downside risk in a portfolio. One can even enter in currency market through ETFs.