1. Most day traders get many opportunities each day.
2. This type of trading is very exciting and motivating.
3. If you have a tactic with less expectation per trade then you may never have a losing month or even week.
4. You don't have overnight risk in day trading, so there is little or no margin necessary even in big markets.
5. High probability entry systems, which most people want, work with short term trading.
6. There's always another opportunity to make money.
Disadvantages of Intraday Trading
1. Transaction costs are high and can add up.
2. Excitement has seldom to do with making money, it's a psychological need!
3. Data costs are very high because most short term traders need real-time quotes.
4. Many high-probability entries have losses that are bigger than the gains.
5. Short term systems are subject to the random noise of the markets.
6. The short term psychological pressures are extreme.
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