One has to identify that whether an individual is a day trader or can hold the stocks and once an individual has identified the style of trading, than one should not ditch the style for another to have petty gains.
As an investor make sure that one is not commiting the adultery and in investment parlance it means that one should not over diversify an individual's portfolio. If one is having too many stocks in the portfolio than one can classify the same as having a number of mistresses and it is very difficult to maintain all of these diversifications.
Always make sure that one has to treat a long term investment as a long term only and should not treat the same as a day, week or month as “long term”. A long term investment has to be seen in terms of “years”and one has to stick to the fundamentals and principles by virtue of which one has gone into a particular stock for the long term investment and remember time alway acts in the favour of investors and probably that is the reason the
long term investors are more at peace with themselves than those trying to predict the daily trend of the market.
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