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Sure Shot Strategy to Earn With Options

Posted By On 11/08/2007 03:36:00 PM

1. Do you want to make money from stock market irrespective of the fact where stock market is going and also do not want to get drowned in innumerous technical data related to the stocks, than you are at the right place to earn with options trading as it enables one to get a consistent rate of return which may range up to 10% per month.

2. If you feel you are the one who should be making consistent money with an expert with guaranteed returns than iron condor is the best bet for you. An iron condor is a type of strategy where one is simultaneously buying and selling multiple contracts of future market. By joining them one will be able to get newsletter for options trading which will help the subscriber to generate consistent 10% monthly returns by just spending 10 minutes a week.

3. The unique and powerful ability of iron condors is that it enables an individual to generate returns irrespective of the direction of the market as a stock market generally remains range bound during most of the time of its journey and the strategy is simple i.e. sell options at the top of the range and a few options at the bottom of the range of the stock market index and pocket the premium received as a profit.

4. However to hedge against this strategy one may even buy a few options further above and below the predicted stock market range. As a result of this strategy one is able to hedge against steep losses. This strategy can be also utilized by individuals who want to hedge their portfolio.

5. The results speak for itself in form of a success rate of 80% with each trade generating close to approx 23.9% which is a very high ratio. If you are one of those who has no time to follow the market than one can even get an enabled autotrade facility from one of their trusted brokers who will undertake the published strategy on your behalf and you have to just pocket the additional cash received. One can start off with a capital as low as $5000.

6. Make use of this strategy as time factor along with correct prediction of stock market enables one to gain consistently from the strategy and one can follow either an aggressive approach or a conservative approach as per his risk profile and keep risk associated with strategy under tight control.

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