However investment in stock market for long term is not that difficcult and one has to just buy the stock at correct price and keep following 4 points under consideration:
(a) Buying a great stock at correct price and right time is very important. Find out the correct price for the stock and we will dwell on finding method for correct price of a stock in subsequent post. So keep watch on the finance blog. Have a confirmed valuation of the stock before hand.
(b) Look for the data of stock market for promoters buying or selling the shres.
(c) Find your time frame for investment and also find the reasons for investment in a particular company.
(d) Ask yourself that whether one is ready to own the stock for the next ten years?
2. Warren Buffet tip for buying stock and choosing a CEO for the company is by performing same diligence as one will be trying to find details about a brother-in-law.